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Interested Bidders List Request Form

If you are interested in being notified when district properties become available to the public for sale, lease, or joint occupancy, please enter your contact information into the form below. Interested bidders are generally notified of district property availability via an e-mail message, so please be sure to enter your e-mail address.

Additionally, by registering on PlanetBinds Vendor Portal, you can be notified when Request for Proposal or other solicitations are advertised. 

Interested Bidders List Request Form
1. First Name *
2. Last Name *
3. Title
4. Company/Organization Name

Enter this information if your inquiry is on behalf of an organization or is a professional inquiry.
5. Is your organization a 501(c)3 public benefit corporation? *
501(c)3 public benefit corporations receive notification during an early Public Agency notification period. This is a required field. If you are an individual and not a part of an organization, select 'No.'
6. Is your organization a Charter School? *
This is a required field. If you are an individual and not a part of a charter school, select 'No.'
7. Is your organization a Charter School? *
8. Is your organization a Charter School?
9. City *
10. State *
11. Zip Code *

lease use the 5-digit format or 5 digit-4 digit format (zip+4).
12. Telephone Number *

This should be the best number to contact you at. The format should be xxx-xxx-xxxx. Please be sure to include your area code and an extension number if you have one.
13. E-mail Address *

Your e-mail address is required; it is the primary method of contact with interested bidders.

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