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2019-20 General Meeting Schedule and Information

General meetings are scheduled on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., at the Harold Ballard Parent Center located at 2375 Congress Avenue, San Diego, CA 92110, unless otherwise noted below.

Child care and Spanish translation services will be available at all meetings. Parking is available in the lot north of the campus on Congress Street.

*Indicates change of meeting time and/or location. Please refer to revised notice of meetings for locations.

Request to Address Committee:

English | Spanish

2019-20 Meeting Schedule
Notice of Meetings
REVISED Notice of Meetings




September 10, 2020  Notice - Change of Meeting Format
Join Webinar
Submit Public Testimony
June 4, 2020* -
May 14, 2020*
Above and Beyond Awards
April 9, 2020 -
March 12, 2020* - -
February 6, 2020* Agenda
January 9, 2020 Agenda
December 5, 2019


November 7, 2019 Agenda
October 10, 2019* Agenda
September 12, 2019 Agenda