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Special Education Ombudspersons


The Special Education Department will be supporting our families with issues or concerns in a new format.

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Team has transitioned to our Area Program Manager Teams. If you require assistance with an IEP issue or concern, please complete the referral form below and someone from your Area Support Team will be in contact with you within 48 hours.

Referral Form 

The Office of Ombudsperson was created to facilitate resolution of special education issues. Ombudspersons are not parent advocates nor district decision-makers, but work impartially with all parties to assist in the resolution of concerns related to students' special needs. This typically occurs within the Individualized Education Programs (IEP) process.

Ombudsperson Duties

An Ombudsperson is available to assist families and staff with the following:

  • Responding to parent and staff inquiries
  • Informing and clarifying parents of their rights
  • Investigating complaints
  • Assisting parents with regard to the Individualized Education Program/Individualized Family Service Plan (IEP/IFSP) and 504 Individualized Service Plan meetings, filing complaints and hearing requests
  • Acting as a liaison between district, parents and community organizations.

Compliance with special education laws is a priority of the ombudsperson. The ombudsperson investigates concerns and promotes compliance by monitoring systemic issues and reporting to the Board of Education.

The vision of the Office of Ombudsperson is to ensure children with special needs receive all services and supports needed to benefit from public education by fostering an environment where collaboration and cooperation exist between parents, staff and administration.

Contact Us

Special Education Ombudsperson Office
4100 Normal St, Annex 2.
San Diego, CA 92103

Special Education Ombudsperson Supervisor
Brett Shuttleworth
[email protected]